DRNK Fan Fiction

Adventures! Love! Laughter!

DRNK Fan Fiction was created on a whim after an offhand discussion in Discord that inspired Momo to begin writing. It is based on the personalities and friendships built in the guild and definitely has taken off with a mind of it’s own. Battles, laughs, and sultry scenes of debauchery and revelry are just a few of the topics that are taking form as the story tells the tale of how a band of vastly different and unique characters come together to form a fierce fighting group and close knit family, very much like the guild in real life! Many of the characters are caricatures of the people they represent, highlighting the amazing things that identify each person. Every character in this story is a member of Discord and plays with the members of the guild whenever they are able. Sit back, grab a drink, and enjoy the adventure! Who knows, if you join the guild, you could be immortalized in the Fan Fiction too!